by Kerstin Schill
The perception of an image by a human observer is usually modeled as a parallel process in which all parts of the image are treated more or less equivalently, but in reality the analysis of scenes is a highly selective procedure, in which only a small subset of image locations is processed by the precise and efficient neural machinery of foveal vision. To understand the principles behind this selection of the `informative' regions of images, we have developed a hybrid system that consists of a combination of a knowledge-based reasoning system with a low-level preprocessing by linear and nonlinear neural operators. This hybrid system is intended as a first step towards a complete model of the sensorimotor system of saccadic scene analysis. In the analysis of a scene, the system calculates in each step which eye movement has to be made to reach a maximum of information about the scene. The possible information gain is calculated by means of a parallel strategy which is suitable for adaptive reasoning. The output of the system is a fixation sequence, and finally, a hypothesis about the scene.
Scene analysis with saccadic eye movements: Top-down and bottom-up modeling (Kerstin Schill), In J. Electron. Imaging, SPIE-Intl Soc Optical Eng, volume 10, 2001.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Kerstin Schill},
title = {Scene analysis with saccadic eye movements: Top-down and bottom-up modeling},
journal = {J. Electron. Imaging},
year = {2001},
volume = {10},
number = {1},
pages = {152},
month = {jan},
abstract = {The perception of an image by a human observer is usually modeled as a parallel process in which all parts of the image are treated more or less equivalently, but in reality the analysis of scenes is a highly selective procedure, in which only a small subset of image locations is processed by the precise and efficient neural machinery of foveal vision. To understand the principles behind this selection of the `informative' regions of images, we have developed a hybrid system that consists of a combination of a knowledge-based reasoning system with a low-level preprocessing by linear and nonlinear neural operators. This hybrid system is intended as a first step towards a complete model of the sensorimotor system of saccadic scene analysis. In the analysis of a scene, the system calculates in each step which eye movement has to be made to reach a maximum of information about the scene. The possible information gain is calculated by means of a parallel strategy which is suitable for adaptive reasoning. The output of the system is a fixation sequence, and finally, a hypothesis about the scene.},
doi = {10.1117/1.1329627},
publisher = {{SPIE}-Intl Soc Optical Eng},
url = {10.1117/1.1329627">},